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- Since 1914 -


Sustainably Caught Wild Lake Superior Whitefish

From The Lake to Your Plate

VanLandschoots & Sons Fish Market offers you the best wild Whitefish fillets sustainably harvested in Lake Superior.

To ensure complete freshness, we ship all orders on Monday. You'll receive a confirmation call and given a timeline for fulfillment.

Your order is still in the lake.

Why Choose
Our Wild
Lake Superior Whitefish?

The freshest

100% Wild Caught

No Additive, GMO's, or Antibiotics

Heart Healthy

Nutritionally Packed

A good source of Omega 3

Lake Superior

Sustainably Sourced

Caught in Munising Bay on the south shore of Lake Superior

Two of our team members standing on the deck of a fishing boat pulling fresh whitefish from Lake Superior
Historical image of the Vanlandschoot brothers standing on their schooner th Mini Winnie circa 1914

100 Years
of Fishing

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